Aldoga just outside of Gladstone Qld is expected to process 400 to 2000 head of cattle per day at full operating capacity.
With a site area of 350 hectres and a construction value of $130 million, this project will be one of the largest for the region for some time.
The feedlot has a single feed capacity of 150,000 head and an annual turnover of more than 330,000 head. The processing plant will be located in close proximity to its own feedlot, allowing for maximisation of animal performance, optimisation of meat quality and improved animal welfare outcomes.
The Euroa facility will be only the third purpose-built Beef processing facility to be constructed in Australia in the last 60 years. As such the new facility will be a best-practice operation utilising the latest international ‘state of the art’ technologies and using all available resources in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. In addition to all traditional meat cuts, the facility will offer a wide variety of fancy meats (offal’s), other by-products such as hides, skins, and meat and bone meal, thereby maximising carcass values.
Porter Consulting are proactive, solution-focused building certifiers on the Gold Coast and Brisbane. We provide commercial and residential building certification and building code consulting services for a diverse range of projects.
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